One line
Thu 02.02.23
Theaterhaus, T3


Samir Odeh-Tamimi: Philoctet

Music theater based on the dramas by Sophocles,

Heiner Müller and André Gide (2022) WP

Composition commission by Musik der Jahrhunderte


Composition and stage concept: Samir Odeh-Tamimi

Co-direction: Rosabel Huguet

Libretto: Claudia Pérez Iñesta

Collaboration Costume: Indra Nauck


Philoktet: Daniel Gloger (countertenor)

Neoptolemos: Martin Nagy (tenor)

Odysseus: Andreas Fischer (bass)

Intruder and Chorus: Guillermo Anzorena (baritone)

Greek Chorus: Johanna Vargas (soprano), Susanne Leitz-Lorey (soprano), Truike van der Poel (mezzo-soprano)


Zafraan Ensemble

Miguel Perez Inesta (double bass clarinet), Daniel Eichholz (percussion), Anna Viechtl (harp), Clemens Hund-Göschel (piano), Emmanuelle Bernard (violin), Josa Gerhard (viola), Zoé Cartier (cello), Beltane Ruiz Molina (double bass)


Andrei Cucu, sound direction and electronics


Duration: approx. 70′



»Man, living among others, is incapable, incapable of pure and truly selfless action. I, on this island, follow myself, understanding, day by day less Greek, day by day more human…«

(André Gide: Philoctet or the Treatise of the Three Kinds of Virtue. 1904)


»Philoctet is an excluded, an insulted, a potential avenger, in other words, we would say today: potentially a terrorist.«

(Etel Adnan: Notates on the Killing of Philoktet in Heiner Müller. 2004.)

Samir Odeh-Tamimi
© Harald Hoffmann
Neue Vocalsolisten
© Manu Theobald
Im Hintergrund einer alten Ziegelei steht eine Gruppe schwarz gekleideter Menschen (Zafraan Ensemble). Drei von ihnen hocken in einer großen Fensteröffnung im Hintergrund.
Zafraan Ensemble
© Neda Navaee

Composition commission financed by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.

Supported by the Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Academy of Arts, Berlin.