Pony Says

In »Die Klavierübung« (The Piano Exercise) Steven Takasugi stages a performative showdown between man and machine. In the new trio version of his work, he intertwines hyper-complex collaged recordings of detuned pianos and other stringed instruments with sonic doublings of the musicians performing live.
Jessie Marino invited the three musicians of Pony Says to a joint »listening session« at the beginning of their collaboration and put on a record by Tom Hamilton. From this was to emerge a small world »based simply on the experience of listening to the same record,« a shared space of play and association in which individual listening experiences collide and are layered on top of each other.
Pony Says had desired the constellation with two eminent American composers, Steven Takasugi and Jessie Marino, for their major ECLAT project. In close collaboration between composers and musicians, two large-scale commissioned compositions are now being created that contrast in content as well as aesthetics and at the same time complement each other.
Sendung SWR2 JetztMusik
10. März 2022/21:05–22:00 Uhr

© Julia Schäfer

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