Prize Winner Concert

In 2021, three conceivably different composers received the Composition Prize of the City of Stuttgart, which is traditionally awarded at the following ECLAT. The »tonal found objects« of the first prize winner Benjamin Scheuer, who attempts to recreate sounds with various toys and sound objects, are often humorous, strange, and full of extra-musical associations. Mikołaj Laskowski is interested in the blurring of boundaries between performers and listeners, distance and intimacy, kitsch and subtlety, irony and seriousness. In his work, he explores the different possible relationships between the composer, the performers, the notation, and the sound. Francesco Ciurlo refers to films by Marco Ferreri, novels by Roberto Bolaño or plays by Sarah Kane in his search for forms that derive from an anti-narrative and anti-dramaturgical conception of time. And above all, the color charts of Gerhard Richter, his technique of organizing colors, had a great influence on the structural organization of his works.
Sendung SWR2 JetztMusik
3. März 2022/21:05–22:00 Uhr

© Stelmach Muzycny

© Arianna Sala

© Astrid Ackermann

© Katharina Dubno