Zurück in der Zukunft

After an afternoon full of urgency and symbolism, the retro-futuristic project »Zurück in die Zukunft« (»Back to the Future«) leads into an almost playful Saturday evening program of the festival. On the stage of the unusual duo of e-violin and analog keyboards, an impressive arsenal of historical instruments unfolds before our eyes. Against the background of his private collection of analog electric pianos, synthesizers and electric organs from the 1970s and 80s, pianist Ulrich Löffler, together with violinist Hannah Weirich, commissioned several compositions to »dedicate themselves to renewing and expanding the repertoire for one of the supreme disciplines of chamber music: the duo for violin and keyboard instrument.«
Not nostalgic at all, the two instead want to work with composers to develop new playing techniques and test instrument combinations. In doing so, they call on the »innovative spirit of the current generation of composers«–after all, most digital natives have never experienced the direct and haptic access to analog circuits, through which all parameters can be manually controlled during sound generation.
Sendung SWR2 JetztMusik
17. März 2022/21:05–22:00 Uhr
Die Werke von Milica Djordjević, Dariya Maminova und Gordon Kampe sind Kompositionsaufträge von Hannah Weirich und Ulrich Löffler, gefördert durch die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

© Martin Sigmund

© Jaroslav Kotov

© Astrid Ackermann