One line

Zeynep Gedizlioğlu: Lauf

for Orchestra


The silence, Sessizlik (the silence). I feel. I search for the sound. I feel and shape the way in which what is not said aloud finds and loses its always strange voice, its always strange way. And finds and loses again.
The ‚I‘ finds the voice again, sets it and looks, unfolds this voice until it cannot. And nothing will look at me from this crack. And everything not said here will look at me, in its always strange, always weird way.


What is the name of the piece? What’s the title?
Sometimes it is so that it reveals itself only shortly before the double bar, as this time with this work for orchestra. There were other considerations up to that point,words like breath, pause, go …
With the word ‚run‘, I see connections to some of the titles of my previous works: for example, to Kesik, which means breaking off; Durak, kresi which means stopping, or Aksak, which means limping, all of them revolve around the idea, around an attitude of moving on, of moving on, or they have to do with moving on. Keep goingin spite of everything.
Lauf has become a musical work that progresses every day. It is also a progressing ‚I‘, partly in silent movements, through movements and the loud silence. The first performance is still in front of me, while I try to formulate thoughts and my reflections in these movementsand I feel the tension in imagining the moment when this ‚I‘ will turn into a ‚we‘.


Everything that has not been said here will look at me, in its always strange, always odd way.


(Zeynep Gedizlioğlu)