music theater for young audiences from 5 to 9 years (2023)WP
composition and play development: Clemens K. Thomas
direction and play development: Miriam Götz
stage and costumes: Sarah Mittenbühler
puppet construction and coaching: Antje Töpfer
Neue Vocalsolisten
Martin Nagy, child
Guillermo Anzorena, Teddy Bear
Andreas Fischer, father/watch hand/cactus/doctor/cyborg
A musical theater for children about friendship, trusting and helping each other, diving into fantastic worlds and the boundless imagination of playing.
»Martin and his teddy bear Bä invent a time machine that takes them to all kinds of imaginary spaces: a series of funny, touchingly sad and happy-cheerful childhood moments. Martin is a somewhat shy and introverted boy who only fully blossoms and opens up in the presence of his teddy bear. From the boy’s point of view, Bä is not an inanimate stuffed animal, but his friend and playmate, who certainly has his own peculiarities. «BÄ!” is set in Martin’s imaginary parallel world (the bear is alive!) and the »serious« world of adults (Bä is just a stuffed animal). Bä is a little clumsy and totally cute.”
(Clemens K. Thomas)
Diese Aufführung wird begleitet von deutscher Audiodeskription mit Einführung für sehbeeinträchtigte und blinde Personen.
Dieser Service ist kostenlos und wird ermöglicht im Rahmen des Förderprogramms »Weiterkommen!« des Zentrums für Kulturelle Teilhabe Baden- Württemberg (ZfKT).
Das ZfKT wird vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg finanziert.
{{{ content }}} |
{{{ content }}} |
{{{ content }}} |
{{{ strings.konzerte }}} | {{{ strings.unterstuetzer }}} | {{{ strings.regulaer }}} | {{{ strings.ermaessigt }}} |
30€ | 22€ | 14€ | |
20€ | 12€ | 8€ |
{{{ strings.festivalpass }}} {{{ strings.beinhaltet_die_konzerte }}} |
{{{ strings.unterstuetzer }}} | {{{ strings.regulaer }}} | {{{ strings.ermaessigt }}}* |
234€ | 172€ | 110€ |